Tourism Experience in Tourism Villages: Persons with Disabilities (PwD) Perception
Persons with disabilities have equal rights in society. Likewise for tourism activities. People with disabilities with their limitations, do not have many choices related to their tourist destinations. It is an opportunity for tourist villages to accept them as visitors. Must improve, both in service and in facilities. The point is to create a comfortable and safe atmosphere for them. Friendly facilities for them and trained human resources to deal with persons with disabilities. Research related to persons with disabilities must be special because each type of disability has different needs. It aims to be able to provide comprehensive solutions related to each obstacle. As in this study, the focus is on persons with mobility disabilities in understanding their tourism experience. The research was conducted qualitatively by observing and conducting interviews with tourism business actors and persons with mobility disabilities who are members of the Lingkar Sosial community. Focus on the analysis of their tourism experiences in tourist villages in Malang Raya. The study found that price was not the main factor for persons with mobility disabilities in choosing a tourist destination. Tourist destinations that are able to answer the obstacles they face when traveling so that they get an unforgettable tourism experience are chosen.
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