Capacity Building Empowerment of Weaver Groups Through Weaving Business Innovation at the Ikat Jata Kapa Weaving Center in Sikka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia, Indonesia
This study aims to identify and explain the potential of the Weaver Group's human resources, capacity building efforts to empower Weaver Groups, the changes that have occurred as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors. This study used a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques through observation and in-depth interviews and documentation with Sikka Regency Cooperative and UKM Trade Office officials who were administrators and field assistants of the Jata Kapa Ikat Weaving Center and Groups of Weavers in the small, medium and large categories. The findings show that capacity building efforts to empower Weaver Groups are carried out by the Sikka Regency Cooperative and UKM Trade Service through the Jata Kapa Ikat Weaving Center by carrying out several programs, namely human development, business development, environmental development and institutional development. The program's efforts have been carried out well facilitated by supporting factors in it, but there are still several dimensions that have not worked properly due to several inhibiting factors in the capacity building process of empowering the Weaver Group.
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